AI-Powered Guidance for SMB Success

Explore a comprehensive range of topics vital to Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs), enhanced by AI insights. From marketing strategies to risk management, our AI-powered guidance empowers you to navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship, enhance your operations, and drive your SMB towards lasting success.

How does it work?

  • Sign Up with QuickBooks Online Credentials

    Begin your journey by signing up with your QuickBooks Online credentials.

  • Access the A8 Apps Ecosystem

    Follow These Simple Steps

    Sign Up or Log In: Create an account or log in using your QuickBooks Online credentials and you'll gain entry into the A8 apps ecosystem framework. Simply locate the 'O' logo in the top menu and click to access the SMB Mentorship app.

    Explore Mentorship: Peruse our mentor network to find experienced mentors, or if you're experienced, offer your mentorship services either for free or a fee.

    Grow Your Network: Connect with mentors and mentees, expanding your professional network.

    Share Knowledge: Engage with the community by sharing your insights and knowledge or asking questions.

  • Empowering Learning Through Mentor-Mentee Relationships

    Within our platform, a dynamic mentor-mentee structure thrives, democratizing the learning journey and content creation. This symbiotic relationship empowers members with invaluable insights while fostering active contributions to meaningful content. It's a collaborative environment where knowledge flows freely, enriching the learning experience and enabling collective refinement of understanding.

  • Explore the A8 Apps Ecosystem

    Upon signing up, you'll be seamlessly directed to the A8 apps framework. While you're here, delve into the extensive A8 apps ecosystem, featuring Workflow, Proposals, Campaigns, Pro AI, CRM, and Books Review. These apps are tightly integrated with QuickBooks Online to cater to various facets of your business needs.

Join us today and take advantage of this valuable mentorship and networking opportunity! Sign in with Intuit

Get in touch

Please access the 'Support' page within the app to log any issues you encounter. Feel free to submit problems, request new features or apps, and participate in voting for features you'd like to see. Our ecosystem operates on community-driven principles, with an automated support system. Our team follows the same process, and decisions on features or new apps are influenced by community votes. Your insights, feedback, and votes are highly valued and contribute to shaping our offerings.